Papers Presentation 2010


Aylward, E. R., Borghesani, P. R., Weaver, K. R., Ellenbogen, R. Schaie, K. W., & Willis S. L. (2010, June). Midlife decline in executive function associated with premature atrophy in white frontal matter. Poster presented at the intrnational meeting of the Brain Mapping Society, Barcellona, Spain.

Borghesani, P. R., Weaver, K. E., Madhyastha, T. M., Richards, A. L., Schaie, K. W., Aylward, A. L., & Willis, S. L. (2010, June). Midlife cognitive changes are associated with white matter microstructure in late life. Poster presented at the intrnational meeting of the Brain Mapping Society, Barcelona, Spain.

Gerstorf, D., Ram, N,,  Hoppmann, C., Willis, S. L., & Schaie,  K. W. (2010, April).  Fluid and crystallized abilities in the Seattle Longitudinal Study:  Cohort differences in cognitive     aging and dying. Paper presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Lee, J. Y., Willis, S. L., & Schaie, K. W. (2010, April). Metamemory: Individuals showing   longitudinal changes in episodic memory in midlife. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Society, Caucun, Mexico.

Richards, A. L., Madhyastha, T. M., Borghesani, P. R., Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L. (2010, April). Improvement in cognitive abilities is related to openness to experience. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cogntive NeuroscienceAssociation, Montreal, QE. Canada.

Willis, S. W., & Schaie, K. W. (2010, O​ctober). Development of cognitive behavior and brain structure from midlife to old age: The Seattle Longitudinal Study. Paper presented at the Aging and Cognition Conference, Dortmund, Germany.