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We need your support to keep our study going.  In March, 2013 the National Institutes of Health was required by sequestration to cut the NIH 2013 budget by 5% or $1.55 billion.  This means that 700 fewer competitive research grants will be issued in 2013 compared to 2012. Existing grants (like us!) will receive, on average 4.7% budget cut.  In fact, over the past five years the Seattle Longitudinal Study has received budget cuts every year, totalling more than 12%. The current ten year MERIT grant, Midlife Cognitive Change and Risk of Cognitive Decline, awarded to Dr. Wilis began in July 2005, and its funding expires in July 2015. To help keep one of the longest running longitudinal studies in the world from coming to an end please consider a donation.

For more information about sequestion, visit,​