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Schaie, K. W. (1958). Rigidity-flexibility and intelligence: A cross-sectional study of the adult life span from 20 to 70. Psychological Monographs, 72(462), Whole No. 9.
Schaie, K. W. (1960). Manual for the Test of Behavioral Rigidity. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists’ Press.
Schaie, K. W., & Heiss, R. (1964). Color and personality. Bern, Switzerland: Huber.
Schaie, K. W. (1967). The 1965 Head Start psychological screening program. Morgantown WV: West Virginia University Human Resources Research Institute.
Schaie, K. W. (1967).A study of the achievement test used in the Health examination surveys of persons aged 6-17.Vital and Health Statistics, 2, Whole No. 24, pp. 1-60.
Schaie, K.W. (1968). Theories and methods for research on aging. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University Press.
Schaie, K. W., & Roberts, J. (1970).School achievement of children 6-11 years as measured by the Reading and Arithmetic subtests of the Wide Range Achievement Test.Vital and Health Statistics, 11, Whole No. 103, 1-47.
Schaie, K. W., & Roberts, J. (1971). School development of children by demographic and socioeconomic factors in the United States.Vital and Health Statistics, 11, Whole No. 109, 1-88.
Baltes, P. , & Schaie,, J. W. (Eds.) (1973). Lifespan developmentyal psychology: Personality and socialization. New York: Academic Press.
Schaie, K. W., Anderson, V. E., McClearn, G. E., & Money J. (Eds.) (1975). Developmental human behavior genetics: Nature-nurture redefined. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath.
Schaie, K. W., & Parham, I. A. (1975). Examiner Manual for the Test of Behavioral Rigidity (2nd ed.) .Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists’ Press.
Schaie, K. W., & Zelinski, E. M. (1975). Intellectual functioning and aging: A selected bibliography. Los Angeles, CA: University of Southern California Press.
Birren, J. E., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (1977). Handbook of the psychology of aging. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Birren, J., E., Kinney, D., Schaie, K. W., & Woodruff, D. S. (1981). Developmental psychology: A life-span approach.Boston, MA: Houghton-Mifflin.
Schaie, K. W., & Geiwitz, J. (1982). Adult development and aging . Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.
Schaie, K. W., & Geiwitz, J. (Eds.) (1982). Readings in adult development, Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.
Schaie, K. W. (Ed.) (1983). Longitudinal studies of adult psychological development. New York: Guilford Press.
Birren, J. E., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (1985). Handbook of the psychology of aging (2nd ed.). New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Schaie, K. W. (1985). Manual for the Schaie-Thurstone Adult Mental Abilities Test (STAMAT). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L. (1986). Adult development and aging (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.
Schaie, K. W. (Ed.) (1987). Annual review of gerontology and geriatrics (Vol. 7). New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Schooler, C. & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (1987). Cognitive functioning and social structure over the life course. New York: Ablex.
Schaie, K. W., Campbell, R. T., Meredith, W. M, & Rawlings, S. C. (Eds.) (1988). Methodological issues in aging research. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Bengtson, V. L., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (1989). The course of later life; Research and reflections. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Kertzer, D., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (1989). Age structuring in comparative perspective. Hillsdale, NY: Erlbaum.
Schaie, K. W., & Schooler, C. (Eds.) (1989). Social structure and aging: Psychological processes. Hillsdale, NY: Erlbaum.
Birren, J. E., & Schaie, K. W (Eds.) (1990). Handbook of the psychology of agin (3rd ed.). New York: Academic Press.
Rodin, J., Schooler, C., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (1991). Self-directedness: Cause and effects throughout the life course. Hillsdale, NY: Erlbaum.
Schaie, K. W. (Ed.) (1991). Annual review of gerontology and geriatrics (Vol. 11). New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L. (1991). Adult development and aging (3rd ed.).New York: Harper Collins.
Schaie, K. W., Blazer, D., & House, J. (Eds.) (1992). Aging, health behavior and health outcomes. Hillsdale, NY: Erlbaum.
Schaie, K. W., & Achenbaum, W. A. (Eds.) (1993). Societal impact on aging: Historical perspectives. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Zarit, S, Pearlin, L., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (1993). Caregiving and social structure. Hillsdale, NY: Erlbaum.
Schaie, K. W., & Achenbaum, W. A. (Eds.) (1993). Societal impact on aging: Historical perspectives. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Bengtson, V. L., Schaie, K. W., & Burton, L. (Eds.) (1995). Intergenerational issues in aging. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Birren, J. E., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (1996). Handbook of the psychology of aging (4th ed.), San Diego, CA: Acadmic Press.
Schaie, K. W. (1996). Intellectual development in adulthood: The Seattle Longitudinal Study.New York: Cambridge University Press.
Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L. (1996). Adult development and aging (4th ed.). New York: Harper Collins.
Smyer, M. A., Schaie, K. W., & Kapp, M. B. (Eds.) (1996). Impact of the law on adults’ decision making. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Cutler, S. J., & Schaie, K. W. (1997). Research methods in aging: Brief bibliography — A selective annotated bibliography for gerontology instruction (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.
Schaie, K. W., & Lawton, M. P. (Eds.) (1997). Annual revierw of gerontology and geriatrics, 17. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Willis, S. L., Schaie, K. W., & Hayward, M. (Eds.) (1997). Societal mechanisms for maintaining competence in old age. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Schaie, K. W., & Schooler, C. (Eds.) (1998). Impact of work on older adults. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Bengtson, V. L., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (1999). Handbook of theories of aging. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Schaie, K. W., & Hendricks, J. (Eds.) (2000). Evolution of the aging self: Societal impacts.New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Schaie, K. W., & Pietrucha, M. (Eds.) (2000). Mobility and aging. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Birren, J. E., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (2001). Handbook of the psychology of aging (5th ed.). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Cutler, S. J., & Schaie, K. W. (2001). Research methods in aging: Brief bibliography — A selective annotated bibliography for gerontology instruction (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.
Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L. (2001) Psychologija odrase dobi I starenja [Psychology of adult development and aging]. (Serbo-croat edition). Jastrebarko, Croatia: Naklada Slap.
Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L. (2002). Adult development and aging (5th ed.). New York: Prentice-Hall. Also available in Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish translations.
Schaie, K. W., Leventhal, H., & Willis, S. L.(Eds.) (2002). Social structures and effective health behaviors in the elderly. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Charness, N., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (2003). Influence of technology on successful aging. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Schaie, K. W., Wahl, H.-W., Mollenkopf, H., & Oswaldd, F. (Eds.) (2003). Aging independently: Living arrangements and mobility in the elderly. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L. (2003). Dangdai xinli kexue mingzhu yicong [Adult develpment and aging]. Simplified Chinese edition. Shanghai, China:East China Normal University Press.
Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L. (2003). Psycologia de la edad adulta y la vejez..[Adult development and aging]. (Spanish edition). Madrid, Spain: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Zarit, S. H., Pearlin, L., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (2003). Personal control in social and life course contexts. New York: Springer Publising Co.
Schaie, K. W., Krause, N., & Booth, A. (Eds.) (2004). Religious influences on health and wellbeing of the elderly. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Cutler, S. J., & Schaie, K. W. (2005). Research methods in aging: Brief bibliography — A selective annotated bibliography for gerontology instruction (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.
Schaie, K. W. (2005). Developmental influences on adult intelligence: The Seattle Longitudinal Study. New York: Oxford University Press.
Schaie, K. W., & Elder, G. H. , Jr. (Eds.) (2005). Historical influences on lives and aging. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L. (2005). Intellectual functioning in adulthood: Growth, maintenance, decline, and modifiability. Philadelphia, PA: The American Society on Aging and Metlife Foundation.
Schaie, K. W, & Willis, S. L. (2005). Seijinhatttsu to eijingu [Adult development and aging]. Brief edition in Japanese translation: Tokyo, Japan: Brain Shuppan.
Birren, J. E., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (2006). Handbook of the psychology of aging (6th edit.). San Diego, CA: Elsevier. Also available in Japanese translation.
Schaie, K. W., & Carstensen, L. L. (Eds.) (2006). Social structures, self-regulation and aging. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L (2006). Seijinhtattatsu to eijingu [Adult development and aging] (Japanese edition, translated by H. Okabayashi). Tokyo, Japan: Brain Shuppan.
Schaie, K. W., & Ulenberg, P. (Eds.) (2007). Demographic influences on health and and wellbeing of the elderly. New York: Springer Publshing Co.
Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L (2007). Adult development and aging (Chinese traditional language edition). Shanghai, China: Wu-Nan Book Co.
Schaie, K. W. & Abeles, R. A. (Eds.) (2008). Social structures and changing individuals: Continuing challenges. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L. (Eds.) (2011). Handbook of the psychology of aging (7th ed.). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
Schaie, K. W. (2012). Developmental influences on adult intelligence: The Seattle Longitudinal Study (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
Bengtson, V. L., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.) (Under contract). Handbook of theories of aging. (Chinese translation). Beijing, China: China Population Publishing House.
Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L. (In preparation). Handbook of the psychology of aging (8th ed.). Sand Diego, CA: Elsevier.
Schaie, K. W., & Willis, S. L. (In preparation). Adult development and aging (6th ed.). New York: Prentice-Hall.
Schaie, K. W. (2013). Developmental influences on adult intelligence: The Seattle Longitudinal Study (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press: New York.